transition |tranˈzi sh ən; -ˈsi sh ən|

transition |tranˈzi sh ən; -ˈsi sh ən|nounthe process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another : students intransition from one program to another | a transition to multiparty democracy.
Literature- passage in a piece of writing that smoothly connects two topics or sections toeach other.
Music - a momentary modulation from one key to another.
Physics - change of an atom, nucleus, electron, etc., from one quantum state to another, with emission or absorption of radiation.
verbundergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Destroy & Rebuild Presents… ITC

I am a wife, daughter, mother, sister and a friend deep down still a little girl
Trying to escape a lot of pain

Escaping my pain by putting those emotions on paper

Sharing my trials & tribulations so that I may

Help someone else, and be there voice

It’s not easy not being heard

Admitting right, and wrong choices

Constant thoughts running through my mind

Angry at the world for not appreciating what I have endured

Resting on the fact that I am a child of God

There has got to be a better way than this

Enduring all of the pain to eventually

Reach a point of triumph

Now that I have your attention I’m ready to deliver a testimony.

I  Am
ITC!!  - Destine 2 Win


Unknown said...

I am so proud of you for taking this step. The world has been waiting for you to make it a better place for so many. Anticipating the growth ahead.

Betsy Cajigas said...

I cant wait to read you guys..Make your grand are you!!!