transition |tranˈzi sh ən; -ˈsi sh ən|

transition |tranˈzi sh ən; -ˈsi sh ən|nounthe process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another : students intransition from one program to another | a transition to multiparty democracy.
Literature- passage in a piece of writing that smoothly connects two topics or sections toeach other.
Music - a momentary modulation from one key to another.
Physics - change of an atom, nucleus, electron, etc., from one quantum state to another, with emission or absorption of radiation.
verbundergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Serious Game…

Timba, Timmy,Yayo,Tim, Mr. Sturtevant. What's in a name? I'm a man in his early twenties, in the process of making a name for myself, and most likely it won't be any of the aforementioned names I've had over the years. I'm at a point in my life where change happens rapidly as I accelerate deeper into the bowels of adulthood, to be honest i'd prefer to be nameless during this turbulent time. My belongings consist of at least 35 books, and maybe 20 articles of clothing (not including socks and underwear, just to clarify) I live on a couch in Boston with my loving, outgoing sister and her extremely intelligent and ambitious husband. After travelling the world I have come to find that the things I treasure are those which cannot be stolen, experiences, friendships, and lost loves. Lost loves are getting commonplace...As an individual who's life alternates between annihilation and reconciliation I feel honored to be brought on board at Destroy and Rebuild. I seek to build an understanding of others and destroy preconceived notions, I seek to examine my ignorance and find those who make it apparent. But most importantly I seek solace in the written word, not only my own but of all others within our community.


Unknown said...

Knowledge is power....Knowledge and experience is wisdom! As you venture more and more into adulthood your wisdom will only grow. Great piece of work!

Unknown said...

Always working hard! you know me hahaha. Thanks for the feedback, its good to hear from you!!