As many of you know I have some time off from work. In my time off I picked up my pen again, which is something I haven't done in over a decade. I have so much to say, I see so much that I would like to communicate: OR, find out if anyone else has the same thoughts and visions. My eagerness to learn has never died: however, my motivation was at a low.
With that said - there are several people who may or may not use Facebook, and they are entitled to all their opinions. However, I will say that YOU and others have been a great support factor for me here @/on Facebook.
Often I speak to people who tell me they do not have the time, or they cannot deal with the nonsense that,"Facebook creates," it is childish, and they have more reasons why they do not have an account, will not start one, or has canceled the page.
Yes, I have some negative friends and, I too can be negative sometimes. Some friends ask me why I am friends with someone like that, or some friends make comments that clearly explain our differences.
Often I hear how people have cut others off, and it is my feeling that 9 out of 10 of these people are killing themselves with their disgust and hate for others, specifically because they are not perfect themselves and usually display a smidgen of the elements they are disgusted with and hate. It definitely takes a negative toll on me. I usually sit and listen and offer alternatives, and likely solutions: but we are all stubborn as human beings.
So, I try not to avoid or disconnect with people on the strength of our beliefs not being in line with each other. If I were to do such a thing, I would have nobody, I would stand alone/be alone.
There is not a soul on earth that is in complete agreement with my soul, so why would I expect any one person to be. That is setting my self up for a major let down, which I have learned through experience. You are not me, I am not you, and we should expect to be different.
Differences in people are like puddles on the sidewalk.
If I were to "walk around that puddle" every time that I was face to face with it, it would dictate my path now and - in some respect - my future. This is NOT ME!
There are times when I need to face the puddle and walk through it. A Puddle is a puddle and that does not change. How we perceive the puddle will dictate how we approach and deal with it.

Facebook and peoples feelings are a puddle. Both are puddles you can walk around, sit face to face with, or avoid: it is a person's choice. I'd much rather enjoy the puddle than walk around it. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT A TSUNAMI! In that case Facebook would be considered deadly.
I am talking about a puddle, a small little forgotten element that as a child many of us have enjoyed. Now, as adults WE DON'T EVEN HAVE TO LOOK DOWN TO AVOID THEM: we just do.
Now, in our adult lives the puddle does not exist. We walk around the puddle without even cherishing or giving credit to it for the laughs and the fun it provided in the past, which is still capable of providing the same entertainment today: however, we perceive the puddle to be a small, muddied mess, which if we encounter and engage will, dirty our brand new sneakers, get on a friend's skinny pants, make others look at us as if we were a child, and sometimes laugh at us.
Well, I am going to pay attention to the puddles I face and be sure not to avoid those that are not harmful. I will be mindful and fair as to determining which are healthy puddles for me to play in and which are not. I will keep in mind that my judgement is screened by my own blindness, and that is safe to confide and to listen to others in regard to my biases and contradictions.
There are big puddles and small ones. Have you had to walk around or through any puddles lately?